Likit Graze Maze Purple


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  • Durable rubber lick mat
  • Help relieve boredom, provide a distraction, or simply to slow the rate of feeding
  • Spread a layer of the yummy Likit Graze Paste on the mat to act as the ‘glue’
  • Suitable for freezing

The Likit Graze Maze is a durable rubber lick mat that can be used to help relieve boredom, provide a distraction, or simply to slow the rate of feeding.  Use in the bottom of a feed bucket as a slow-feeder or spread a layer of the yummy Likit Graze Paste on the mat to act as the ‘glue’ on which to sprinkle feed and treats to create a delicious grazing plate for your horse.  The Likit Graze Maze is also suitable for freezing so why not make a horse ice lolly!

Weight .5 kg


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