Equilage Veteran Haylage


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Equilage® Veteran Soft is a new addition to the Fulmart haylage range.

Veteran Soft is a ryegrass mix and ideal for older horses and ponies that may have deteriorating teeth and need haylage that is easier to chew.

Veteran Soft retains its long fibres and excellent palatability but is cut at an earlier growth stage when the grasses are softer making it easier chew.

This will help ensure that your horse consumes an adequate amount of nutrients making it a good alternative to regular haylage.


Weight 28 kg
Nutrional Analysis

Dry Matter 72%
Crude Protein 9.1%
Metabolisable 9.6MJ/KG
Energy Value 59D


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Fulmart Feeds

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fulmart feeds

Fulmart Feeds was established in 1997 at first specialising in the production of Equilage®, a high quality equestrian haylage all grown on our farms in the Vale of York, North Yorkshire.

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