
Ethos Smart Bedding – Eucalyptus


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Eucalyptus – A mild decongestant

Ethos Smart Bedding is a completely natural, sustainable alternative to wood shavings and other forms of equine bedding.

It has been created with the welfare of horses in mind and is clean, hygienic and the most environmentally friendly equine bedding product on the market.

Smart Bedding is made from chipped Miscanthus. Miscanthus is a bamboo like crop also referred to as Elephant Grass.

When growing in the field, the Miscanthus crop is a carbon sink absorbing carbon in order to grow up to 10 feet in height – for every tonne of Miscanthus produced it can absorb 3 tonnes of Co2, thus making Miscanthus a carbon negative crop to grow and process – what Co2 it absorbs outweighs any Co2 produced in the harvesting and processing of it.

Size: 20Kg

Weight 21 kg


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