Basic Fencing Rope c/w Tinned Iron Wires x 200m


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Length: 200 metres. Diameter: 6mm. Resistance: 0.35 ohms. Conductors: 2 x 0.5mm tinned iron.

Breaking strength: 350kg.

Weight 3 kg

Electric fence wire height guide

Not sure what fence height is right for you? Here’s what we recommend.

Post Distances

A handy guide to insulator posts distances to make sure fences don’t hang too low.

Fending wire and twines 6-8m distance depending on the weight of the fence material
Tapes: 3m for 40mm tape and 5m for 20mm tape. Use 6-8m for 12.5mm tape.

4m with 7-8mm rope diemeters and 6m with 5-6mm rope diameters.


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