Baileys Light Chaff


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Baileys Light Chaff is a blend of UK grown, high-temperature dried alfalfa and oat straw with a sprinkling of mint and a very light dressing of soya oil, which encourages a shiny coat.

Light Chaff contains no added sugar or molasses.

It is high fibre and low calorie, as well as having a low starch and sugar content, so is ideal for good-doers, those prone to laminitis and those on a calorie-controlled diet.

Ideal to be fed with a low calorie balancer to provide all the essential vitamins and nutrients without making a significant calorie contribution to the overall diet.

Size; 18Kg

Weight 19 kg

Oat Straw, Alfalfa, Soya Oil, Mint

Nutritional Analysis

digestible energy 8MJ/kg
protein 10%
oil 6%
fibre 30%
ash 9%
starch 2.5%
sugar 2.25%


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Baileys Horse feed

based in Essex and family owned and run since 1982! They manufacture top quality horse feeds using natural ingredients, carefully prepared to scientific formulations.

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