VMD Regulations

The Veterinary Medicines Directorate gives information on the responsibilities and safe and effective use of veterinary medicines. If you have had or the animal has had a adverse reaction to the licensed product used you can report a suspected adverse reaction or a side effect involving a veterinary medicine by using a form through the website to do so. The VMD adverse reaction reporting scheme is used to collect information from veterinary professionals and the general public on suspected adverse reactions to veterinary medicines. The VMD collect both licensed and unlicensed veterinary medicines and human medicines used to treat animals. The information that is provided through the form can help to improve the safe and effective use of veterinary medicines.
You can also get Animal Health Product information from the information database.

A copy of the code of practice is available on the VMD website for all rules and regulations which need to be complied with.

Adverse Reaction Form
If you need to report an adverse reaction that you have seen please click on the following link to the form.

Adverse Reaction Reporting Form

Product Infomation Database
Please find a link below to view infomation about products that we have listed on our website, on this link you will find details of all veterinary medicinal products currently authorised in the UK together with a list of suspended and recently expired products. Homeopathic products are also listed.

Product Information Database

Sale of Animal Medicines
Rules Governing the Sale of Animal Medicines
Veterinary Medicinal Products in the UK can only be supplied and prescribed by a Registered Qualified Person (RQP) – Veterinarian, Pharmacist or Registered Animal Medicines Adviser (RAMA) and from premises approved by the Secretary of State can only supply them. Prescription Only Animal Medicines available from Food4paws Ltd are prescribed and supplied to you by a Registered Animal Medicines Adviser (RAMA).

To be able to supply a product to a customer a Registered Animal Medicines Adviser must first prescribe the product, the act of prescription is taken to be the decision made by the Registered Animal Medicines Adviser as to which product should be supplied taking the following into consideration:

The available veterinary medicinal products that are authorised
The competence of the person who will by administering the product to the animal
The circumstances of the holding and the animals being treated
The requirement for the person receiving the product to use it for an authorised use according to the marketing authorisation
The responsible use of the medicines and the requirement to prescribe the minimum amount of product necessary (subject to the minimum pack size manufactured and any authority to break bulk in the regulations)

Prescribing a Regulated Product
When prescribing a regulated product the RAMA must always:

Be satisfied that the person who will use the product is competent to use it safely and that they are using the product for an authorised use
Give advice on any warnings or contra-indications on the label or package leaflet
Provide advice on the safe administration of the product

The RAMA may only supply the product specified in that prescription and must take all reasonable steps to ensure that it is supplied to the person named in the prescription

It is a legal requirement that all RAMA’s who prescribe a product record the following information relating to all customer transactions. These records must be kept at the approved premises and made available on request by an inspector appointed under the Veterinary Medicines Regulations .
The date
The name of the product
The batch number
The quantity
The name and address of the recipient

When ordering a product from use please ensure that you have read the most up to date information about any veterinary medicine product, please view its SPC on the VMD’s Product Information Database here

Please note: products with indications for food species and horses/cats/dogs can only be supplied for administration to horses/cats/dogs we are not permitted to sell VPS medicines for food-producing animals.

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